Showing posts with label alternative medicine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label alternative medicine. Show all posts

Monday, April 13, 2015


While the people of this nation are gearing up for the 'Race For The Cure', I am attempting to educate people about the truth, the real truth behind the race and the kinder, less harmful way to treat cancer.

Let's look at the man/woman behind the curtain; The Susan G. Komen Foundation takes in an astonishing 200 Billion dollars per year! per year people! this fact alone should tell you something about 'finding' the cure with big pharma and the cancer machine. The billions of dollars taken in by the industry is enough to feed hungry people properly, allow exploring alternatives instead of debilitating treatments, like chemotherapy and radiation..UGH! and admitting that this one plant, the cannabis plant is the one plant on this earth that treats diseases and cures us naturally and humanely, as was intended.

Are we really a nation of 'Sheeple?' It appears we are! 

Jumping on the 'Race For The Cure' bandwagon without question is a sure sign of this fact and the ignorance about the cancer industry. At a time when more and more people are sick with cancer, we should be looking at the fact that 98% of people who use modern medicine are NOT cured, the reality is, those same people will acquire a new kind of cancer, when it spreads to the liver, lungs and other vital organs. The body depleted by the harmful cancer drugs is weakened and unable to fight anything off, much less more cancer. Chemo fails!

Be above the ignorance!

Recently I witnessed two of my neighbors die from breast cancer, sadly it wasn't the cancer that killed either, but the side effects from the medical community's treatments, one died when the chemo drugs caused her blood to thicken and she had a stroke at 48, the second friend and neighbor died within six months of her chemo and radiation, she was so weak and sick, barely able to talk or move and in terrible pain, she died from the cancer spreading to her bones and liver.
These incidents alone are the very reason I did the research, only to reveal some real truths about cancer. 

The cancer cell is a lone cell surrounded by healthy cells. Doesn't it make sense to kill that one cell before it begins to multiply while leaving the healthy cells alone? 
This, my friends is what cannabis does, it causes the cancer cell to commit suicide while keeping the healthy cells healthy. The science is in on this truth.

It is important to know how to treat cancer with cannabis. At Canna Cascadia we recommend an alkaline diet and alkaline water for a better PH balanced body, probiotics for Candida, since cancer cells live in harmony with Candida in a kind of symbiotic relationship, add papaya enzymes to help the gut become healthy and process your food better, vitamin B-17, made with apricot seeds, we need to restore this vitamin within us, and last but most important in the daily regimen is Canna Paste, just two pea size doses per day. That's it!

We will be running and walking for the 'Green Cure'....shouting it to the rooftops, that cannabis cures and chemo kills!

You decide! which would you rather choose when faced with having cancer?

by Ty Bollinger, The Truth About Cancer


How well do you know cancer? Not the scientific and medical terms used to describe the disease but general knowledge about the #2 killer in the United States.  It’s incredible that there is so much information online about cancer – available with a few simple keystrokes – but how much do you really know?
There are so many forms of cancer, every patient case is unique, and you will never know everything (though that would be fantastic).  It can be overwhelming.
What you need is working knowledge about cancer.  Who is most at risk?  What factors increase cancer risk in the population at large?  What can you do to get or stay cancer-free?
Some of these cancer facts are common sense but you’ve probably heard the saying, “Common sense…is not so common.”  Even when you know, mentally and physically, that specific lifestyle choices increase your cancer risk…you might not act until it’s too late!
Every day, more than forty children are diagnosed with cancer – more than 14,000 per year in the United States alone.  Cancer (or more accurately the conventional “treatments” for cancer) is the #1 killer of children as a result of this disease.  Today, cancer (and cancer treatments) will claim the lives of four children – more than complications from congenital birth defects, type 1 diabetes, and asthma combined.  The survival rates among children with cancer are not improving because the conventional treatments (chemo and radiation) actually cause cancer and very little emphasis is placed on finding the cause of the disease rather than merely treating symptoms (tumors) by shrinking them with carcinogenic chemicals like chemotherapy. 
This is the sad truth!
Please, choose alternatives instead the harsh cancer drugs that kill!
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We MUST stand up against greed and begin to heal the nation!
Don't be a 'Sheeple'!! Walk and run 'Green'!

Cannabis Saves Lives!

Canna Cascadia ~ We Offer Hope And Healing

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